Digital Editing

Whether shooting for correction or perfection, do it with both eyes open.

Stylizing people, pets, and landscapes either just for fun or for use on cards, posters, and personal gifts is probably my favorite past time — much to the dismay of the people around me who think their ‘best’ photos stay buried. The internet never forgets, and thanks to technology, I don’t either. ; )

Photo Repair

These adjustments were made on images provided by an instructor, so I am unsure of their sources.


A few of these are older pieces, made back before you could simply add a filter in most editing software. (I know, the Dark Ages. *shivers*)

Unedited Photos: (1,2) Shé Edwards, (3) Mark Fischbach, (4) Mitchell Wojcik , (5) MCR live performance


Fruit faces and fake snow. That is all.

Unedited Photos: (1,3) Shé Edwards, (2) “Surprised Baby” stock image


Graphics & Assets


Photography & Videography (Coming Soon)